Sunday, May 15, 2011

Interview: Connor Kimbrough (Beef)

So, after taking a long "break" from the blog, I've decided to catch up with Connor Kimbrough on his whereabouts/games/other stuff.

Alright so, what have you been up to, since your collaboration with JW on Super Mind Dungeon?

Too many things. I co-founded an independent game company here in Oklahoma with Andy Wolff, called "Superghosts," and it's been quite a ride.

What made you decide to start a company?

Andy and I were interested in producing a "name" for our collaborations.

What can we expect from Superghosts?

We've been working with Paul Veer, Jukio Kallio, Sean Flannigan, Shane Heres, Alex Porter, Amon26, and Jonatan Söderström to create a myriad of titles. Most of them have been abandoned.

With Paul Veer/Jukio Kallio we started a flash game called "Fucking Blast Man" back in October of 2010. Gameplay-wise, it's undergone quite a few transformations. It's actually known as "Naked Blast Man" for now.

"Nuclear Cream" was a Windows game that had been in development with Alex Porter earlier this year. It was a lot of fun to work on but is, unfortunately, abandoned.

Recently, we're split between a flash remake/re-imagining of "Dire Haven" and "The Black Box," a project we're developing with Cactus for the Xbox 360.

"The Black Box" eh? Sounds mysterious... Can you give out some info about this one?

I can't really say too much about at this time. Maybe in August?

What about "Dire Haven"? can you divulge anything more about that?

It's a flash remake of a 2008 game by Radnom that I really loved. We're pretty much done with that one. It's fun, crass, and really ridiculous - I love it.

So what are a few of your favorite indie games?

Well, my favorite may be "Mighty Jill Off." I went to a small high school. There it was easy to get my whole class and some of the teachers into watching a group of us play "Mighty Jill Off," "N," and "Punishment 2." Those
experiences kind of endeared me to those games. I'm also a big fan of what Krimelo's doing.

We're almost running out of time here, but, do you have any more super sexy excusive screenshots you'd like to share with us?