Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Released today, Phlogiston's new album Nectar packs 2 EPs in one. The first EP, Croqel Adventure is of an 8-bit variety, consisting of catchy, short and overall fun tracks. The second EP, Heat, is amazing. The title is somewhat ironic because it gives me chills. It's THAT good. It has a great jazzy vibe, that's easy on the ears, and is great to listen to while you're working, or just thinking. If you don't know who Phlogiston is, he is the man behind some of the catchiest tunes in indie games. I Was In The War, Brain-Damaged Toon Underworld, my game Constellation Chaos, and many other indie games all have great tracks because of him. Nectar is available in FLAC only, so make sure you read THIS before downloading the album.



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